Monday, September 5, 2011

Infidelity and Online Dating

Dating online is incredibly easy for absolutely anyone to become involved in. With such easy access for honest and dishonest online daters to charm their way into our lives, how do we really know what we are getting ourselves into. When you first become involved with someone you have just met on the internet, you need to be taking precautions to ensure they are on the level and your not setting yourself up to have your heart broken or get ripped off. You need to pay extra special attention to what information they give you about themselves and see if this same information remains consistent as you get to know them better.

The biggest give away to discover whether you have just become involved with a married person or someone who is leading multiple double lives is if they are frequently going on so called business trips, and cannot be easily contacted or never answer their phone.

Traditionally, society frowns on cheating men and women labeling them as home wreckers among other things. You may remember the TV programme 'Cheaters' where by a team of private investigators would be hired by someone who was suspicious of their partner being unfaithful. Over weeks of compiling evidence and video footage of the suspecting cheater, 'Cheaters' and their client would carry out a surprise visit catching out the unfaithful person with cameras rolling and evidence beamed into millions of house-holds worldwide. Over 70% of those caught cheating on this programme had met their lovers through online dating .

So why is cheating online so popular? Its simple to post a profile, and even more simple to lie about your married status, new relationships can be initiated from the work place computer rather than from home, communicating can take place without raising suspicion of unknown people calling at the family home. If you suspect your husband or wife is cheating via an online dating site, here are some measures you can take to catch them. You will need to be patient especially if your partner is computer savvy.

1. Try to get passwords that your partner uses for email and any social-networking sites. There is a good chance these same passwords will access their online dating membership. Try logging into as many dating sites as possible in order to find the one/s they have joined.

2. Check the temporary Internet files and history log on your computer. The history will also tell you whether your partner has set up an additional email account which may have been set up to contact others online. If they have set up a secret email account, set one up yourself, email your partner posing as someone from a dating site and wait for their response.

3. Install key-logging software onto your computer. This is especially helpful if your guy is the type to clear the temp and history files after he is done surfing the Web.

4. Credit card statements are also something you can keep your eye on. Subscriptions will often appear on statements each month for the same amount and billers names will usually sound completely unrelated to an online dating site.

5. If you are still unable to compile proof, consider employing a private investigator. A good private investigator will know all the tricks needed to catch them out.

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