Sunday, September 25, 2011

Five Classic Mistakes Men Make in Their Online Dating Profiles

For guys who have taken the big plunge and joined up with an online dating site, you must take extra special care with your profile. This is your first concern before all others.


Because your online dating profile is like your career resume. Let me repeat one of my mantras for you guys. Treat your online dating profile like your CV. This is something you send out to prospective employers (in this case potential female targets) to get a job (date). And we all know that for your CV to be read, it must stand out from the crowd.

So, let's start the countdown of bloopers and blunders guys make when creating their internet dating profiles, and look at ways to remedy the situation.

1. Photos either absent or of poor/dubious quality. Guys, remember that a bunch of words is meaningless without a face to put to the name (nickname). An exception to this could be dating sites for blind people, I suppose, but this is the exception. Don't confuse this with the term "blind date", which is something different altogether! Your most prominent picture should be as flattering as possible (no nudie shots unless you have them in a private gallery and the girl wants to see them. If you land one of these jackpot!). What you need is a series of the best photos you have. Not sure? Ask your friends, they'll tell you the truth.

2. Too wordy in the description. You are not writing War and Peace here. I've seen profiles that any woman would need to sit down with a box of chocolates and a glass of wine just to get through them, that's if you somehow manage to spark her interest at all. Keep out all unnecessary fluff.

3. Being overly sexual in your attempts to lure a woman. Guys, the girls are wired differently. Yes, some of them may have libidos like Linda Lovelace and be addicted to adult cinema classics, just like you. But no woman will reveal this side of her personality until you have gotten to know her properly. The dirty-talk approach in your dating profile, laden with innuendo and double meaning, is nothing but a big, fat turn-off. And it is so common out there in Internet Dating Land, that if you avoid it, you are already streets ahead of the rednecks.

4. Sounding arrogant. Be humble, at least at first. It's okay to be confident, in fact this is actively encouraged. If you have done something amazing, mention it in passing in such a way that it draws the female members to you. Don't carry on about how great you are . In particular, any mention of you being some sort of stud able to keep her "satisfied" will have the women clicking away from your profile in a heartbeat.

5. Spelling and grammatical mistakes. This is super important, but to many guys it seems trivial, judging by the horrible profiles out there. Okay, we live in an SMS and Twitter world, where most people have the attention span of a goldfish and shorthand is the rule. But really, dudes, delete every damned lol, OMG or WTF from your profile now please, or I will track you down and Oops, sorry about that. Deep breaths Cam It doesn't matter if you are not the best writer in the world, there are ways to improve your chances. You can ask a good friend who may have read the odd book in his or her life to check your profile for you. Some of the bigger sites have inbuilt profile creators in them. I'm not a huge fan of these automated programs; sometimes there are limited choices for your text entries, and there ends up being millions of guys all saying exactly the same thing ("I love to party hard" or "I love long walks along the beach at sunset", that kind of rubbish).

There are plenty of other stupid things men put on their online dating profiles, and you can read about them and how to avoid them in some of my upcoming articles.

Happy Dating!

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