Friday, September 30, 2011

6 most valuable online dating lessons

The search for your special person to share your life with is usually a combination of excitement, sadness, loneliness, happy, and broken relationships. When done the right way, online dating can eliminate the pitfalls we experience in the offline world of dating.

Researching and implementing online dating etiquette should be something you do before signing up. The following are the most important key elements to consider.

1. Standing out from the bunch. An appealing profile headline is the first thing a potential match will see, as members are scanning through the endless profiles, you have approximately 4-5 seconds for your profile to stand out before they move on to the next member - so make sure you stand out. i.e: 'When I'm not giving flying lessons, I offer guided tours of the Vatican'

2. Leave your baggage offline. When you meet the right person, there will come a time and place to air your laundry. Too many online singles scare potential suitors off - for example, they might tell a virtual stranger about their psycho-ex who stalks them, or about their sex change operation from hell they just had from a plastic surgery tour of Thailand. Come across relaxed and open minded, express your interests and goals in life and that you are looking for someone who shares your common goals and ambitions.

3. Your profile picture - Notice the word 'your' - don't post a picture of someone else, or when you were 10 years younger. Probably the most important component of your online dating profile is your photo. We are all very visual and a good photo will draw interest straight away. Do pick your best photo to post, or even have one specially done professionally, but don't photo shop your picture or alter your true appearance, you're just setting yourself up to be rejected when you meet face to face.

4. Be proactive. Spread your options as far as you possibly can. Don't feel guilty engaging multiple people in communications, you're there to find the right one and they are not going to come knocking on your front door, you need to be proactive and date as many people as you feel necessary until your number comes up - and with this attitude, your number will come up.

5. Be realistic with your approach. Most men will be easily distracted with the pretty girls and forget about whether she seems compatible. You can be certain that she is already being bombarded by dozens other eager guys, so it's important look for someone that is on your wave length. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a shot, just remember the intention of online dating is to arrange a real life offline date - and if you don't appeal to her, you're setting yourself up for an unpleasant brush off.

6. Sex. If we are going to be honest, sex is one of the main reasons people use free online dating sites, it's kind of on most peoples minds so there's no need to spoil something by being too sexually forward. If you are attractive to someone you meet online, there's a good chance sex will happen sooner or later so there's no reason to come on like a perverted sex maniac.

It's crucial that you're honest with the people you're meeting online, make the most of what you do best and sell those qualities for best results.

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