Friday, September 2, 2011

Love, the Internet and Online Direct Dating. The Dating Game in Cyberspace

The origins of using a Dating Agency to find you the perfect partner can be traced back to English Priests in the mid 16th Century, so the concept is not a new one. Back in those days and through the years up to the invention of the computer, people were always searching for an easy solution to the problem that essentially dominates the minds and emotions of most of us; how do I get a partner? The use of a Matchmaker technically is designed to take the hard work out of the equation. You give the Matchmaker your details, and they then match you up with a suitable person who they think would be a good match. But did it work then and does it work these days?

Modern Dating Agencies have not had a very good reputation in giving results, and have had a certain stigma for people using them; the members were thought to be a bit 'sad' because they could not find love on their own, but the Internet changed all of that and the reason why is clear. These new Online Direct Dating Agencies do now in fact follow the concept of the Dating Agency because they don't use a third party to hook them up with a potential lover. These online dating agencies follow the concept of the ad in the personal column of local newspapers or magazines, but they have taken this concept and hugely improved upon it.

The Dating Game in Cyber Space in the 21st Century is big business, and it is not hard to see why. There are thousands of Agencies online offering an unlimited amount of diverse services from finding love, all the way through to searching for partnerswith no strings attached. People join up usually for free and look around the membership of the site for suitable partners. Each member will give personal details about themselves, and what they are looking for in a partner. If you are happy that there are enough potential lovers in your area, then for a small fee, you can become a full member, and this opens up the opportunity for you to then contact and be contacted by other members. The idea is simple but the internet means that now you can not only find a date in your home town, but you can search internationally. In fact, one of the fastest growing areas of the Dating Game, is the Online bridal service, were men can search for potential wives online. These potential wives are usually from third world countries or South America.

These days the Internet Dating Services has given all of us the potential to find that perfect partner from the comfort of our own homes, so we should consider ourselves very lucky that we live in an age where being alone is something that can be changed by a click of a mouse.

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