Guys - within these few precious pages are the keys to becoming an expert kisser! Learn these secrets and you will have women kicking down your door!
First, you must realize the 'vibrations' or 'emotional sensations' generated by a kiss are much different for men than they are for women. For the unknowing man, usually a kiss is simply one of the first steps towards the ultimate - sex! These same men see kissing as an inconvenience and not for what it really is - a magical key that unlocks the gates to nirvana!
The kiss to a woman is so much more than most men realize. It is believed that a woman will decide within five minutes of meeting a man whether or not she will have sex with him soon BUT if he is a bad or even a mediocre kisser, her mind will change immediately! In fact, the decision may be made to never have sex with this guy. You must understand that women believe, and rightly so, that if a man fails to see the sensual benefits of a fine kiss then surely he will not, cannot, be sensual when making love. The rare man who can get lost in the passion of a great kiss will break the barriers of most women.
In most cases, and unfortunately for the bad kisser, women will not verbally reveal that you are a bad kisser but it will be obvious with her actions and inactions. A bad kisser rarely gets invited into a woman's apartment for a nightcap, let alone breakfast the next morning. A bad kisser will have many girl 'friends' but rarely will he have a long-term 'girlfriend' due to his handicap. A bad kisser is the butt of many jokes when a flock of 2 or more women gather. Don't underestimate the power of The Kiss!
Remember this; the good kisser sincerely believes the kiss to be the destination not just as a step towards the end goal of sex. The true master kisses as if he is grateful to never do anything else with this woman, as if he never wants to do anything else with this woman. He kisses as if this is what he's been dying to do for years and he wants to savor every second of the moment. Yes, a fine kiss, like fine wine, is to be savored and remembered not gulped and forgotten.
The next time you kiss a woman, assume you are being graded on your ability to kiss because you are. Failing marks in the kissing department will not allow you to graduate to the next level.
Make the commitment today to learn the necessary skills to becoming a legendary kisser and you will be amazed at the results!
The Kiss
"His kissing is as full of sanctity as the touch of holy bread"
As You Like It III, 4 (Rosalind to Celia, concerning Orlando) William Shakespeare
Be Prepared...
First and foremost you MUST guard against BAD BREATH! This will kill a relationship quicker than if you were crushed by a passing train on your first date! If you even think your breath may be an issue, go to website and get a FREE copy of 'How To Win Your War Against Bad Breath!'. Read this information thoroughly and do what needs to be done to fix this problem. It's crucial to your success!
When preparing for a date, be sure your teeth are sparkling and your tongue scrubbed as clean as the deck of a Navy vessel. Be prepared with breath mints or gum should you decide to eat prior to any possible kiss. (Personally, I carry a travel container size of Orange Citrus Listerine. It taste great, freshens your breath, and kills any germs even considering making your mouth a home.)
The time has come for The Kiss!
Note: I have placed the following information in a step-by-step format. Your real life situation may cause you to digress from this format but by studying the information below you will capture the meaning of the instructions and be able to apply them accordingly.
1. I'm assuming you and her are in a comfortable position either on a comfortable couch or perhaps her doorstep. If you are not comfortable, get comfortable. Juggling for a comfortable position during a kiss is awkward and labels you as an amateur.
2. Hold your lover, or lover to be, gently but firmly. My personal favorite standing position is to gently hold both her hands, waist high, then slowly bend towards her for the kiss. This maneuver is not threatening to her and even has a sense of traditional chivalry. Another option is to gently touch her face and lips then cup her face with one or both hands just below her ears and tenderly pull her head towards yours. Of course, if she resist, even the slightest, stop immediately.
Simple rule; if she pulls back then you pull back. If she moves forward, you move forward.
3. Plant soft, delicate kisses on her lips, cheeks and eyelids. Softly run your finger over her lips as you move your lips towards her. Smoothly tilt your head in the opposite direction of hers (without bumping noses) and merge your closed lips to hers. Once your lips meet, close your eyes and get lost in the sensation of the kiss. Mimic her kissing actions for a few seconds and gather sense of her reaction. Your goal, here and now, is to please HER!
OPTION: If this your first goodnight kiss, STOP after this first kiss! Kiss her gently on the forehead and say "Goodnight. I had an incredible time and I can't wait to see you again."
I realize this is in direct contrast to your manhood but it's good to leave a woman when she is turned on sensually. By doing this simple, albeit difficult, gesture you demonstrate considerable respect for her and self control for yourself, two very redeeming qualities. You will leave her with questions unanswered. You have now become an enigma. This can drive a woman crazy with passion!
4. Continue kissing her affectionately, but now with your lips slightly open no wider than your finger. Kiss her lips as if you are calmly sucking the juice from the side of a Popsicle. Savor the sweetness and tenderness of her lips. Your lips should now be in pulsating sync with hers. Monitor her reaction to your action. Is she receptive to your kiss? Is her body language telling you she is enjoying the kiss? Is she subtly exposing her breast to you by repositioning her arms? Perhaps, if seated, she has uncrossed her legs. Don't even think about getting a case of 'crazy hands' before you see these signs or similar. The flavor and thrill of this kiss should absorb all your concentration. In fact, your immediate goal in life is to bring your women to orgasm with your kissing talents. Believe me, it can be done!
5. If she is receptive thus far to your kiss, now is the time to pull your lips from hers. Yes, pull your lips from hers, stare into her eyes for a few seconds, smile softly, gently kiss her nose once (Nose kiss is optional) then kiss her neck four to five times before pressing your lips to hers again, repeating step 4. (This pause will, consciously perhaps even subconsciously, indicate to her a.) That YOU are in control! Women love this! And b.) The importance of this kiss to you and the passion you feel for her. In essence, you are making the bold statement - "I am enjoying the living hell out of this kiss, I want it to last, and my penis is NOT doing the thinking.")
Again, judge her reactions to each of your actions. Women have different erogenous zones. Often her neck and ear area are prime sensual real estate zones. Your lips on her collarbone or the inside of her elbow may be the next best thing to serious foreplay for her. Be experimental. Be deliberate. A woman likes to know a man knows what he is doing. But always be tender.
If you do discover an area that arouses exceptional passion in her, tease that area, pulling back at key times, leaving her wanting more.
NOTE: As revealed in 'The Ugly Man's Guide To Getting Laid!', it is not a sin to leave her, even if momentarily, in a discombobulated, passionate state. If you sense her passion peaking to an unbelievable level pull back! As stated earlier, this self-control will, at best, drive her passionately wild or, at worse, reveal to her that you are a man who knows what he is doing!
"I can express no kinder sign of love Than this kind kiss"
2 Henry V I,1 (Henry first meeting Margaret) William Shakespeare
6. It is now time to get risky. Slowly and lightly draw your tongue across her lips. If all is going well, chances are her lips will open and her tongue will meet yours.
A few DO's to follow...
DO breathe through your nose. If this is not natural for you, practice. Use a nose spray prior to your date to clear your nasal passages. If she loses consciousness during your awesome kiss ONLY THEN can you breath through your mouth to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Keep in mind, you are kissing a women not blowing up a beach ball! DO swallow often while kissing. Chances are your dental hygienist will not be available with her suction wand. DO attempt to keep your lips moist. This slight lubrication will make the kiss even more enjoyable for you and your lucky lady. DO get into a groove, that pulsating sync I spoke about earlier. Like good sex and great dancing, kissing with the tongue requires give-and-take. As the kissing proceeds she may want to take control. Let her. Follow her lead. DO pause on occasion with the tongue but remain joined at the lips. This can actually heighten the passion much like being on a dance floor holding your partner motionless. Chemistry is being created. This is good!A few Do NOT's about kissing with your tongue...
Do NOT dart your tongue in and out of her mouth! Your woman is kissing a man not Sammy The Snake. Gently, passionately, 'wrestle' her tongue with yours. Develop a rhythm between her tongue and yours. At times, in a lightly and controlled manner, suck on her lip and her tongue. DO NOT BITE. The tongue is very sensitive so be careful. Do NOT jam your tongue down her throat. Leave the tonsillectomy to a qualified surgeon. Do NOT swing your tongue around her mouth like a crazed windmill. Do NOT lick her like an Irish Setter does a plate of beef drippings.NEWSFLASH! There are no erogenous zones in the back of her throat!
7. By now, the passion should be increasing between the two of you. Allow your hands to get in the act by stroking her hair, massaging the inner parts of her arms, rubbing her back, caressing her face BUT leave her breast and genital area alone. Most men will dive for her breast and crotch at this stage of the game. But you're different, right? Concentrate on your kissing skills only. She will let you know if and when she's ready to proceed further. Once you master kissing, every segment of the lovemaking will be enhanced. Please, trust me on this!
"In kissing do you render or receive?... The kiss you take is better than you give."
Troilus and Cressida IV, 5 (Cressida to Patroclus) William Shakespeare
8. If you are in a daring mood, try kissing with your eyes open and see if she is receptive. This is taboo to various 'experts' and many people find this to be an impossible task, like sneezing with your eyes open. But for some, open-eye kissing can increase the intimacy much like making love with the lights on full power.
Well, my friend, this is where I have decided to end 'How To Kiss Like A Hollywood Stud!' Any advice given after this would be trespassing into the fields of foreplay and this I do NOT want to do. This report is on kissing and kissing alone! Please understand how important this lost art is to a woman. Understand this, and you can write your own ticket.
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