While you are going through the motions of online dating, you will likely meet a few people you are interested in getting to know better. When you meet these people you will probably have a million questions on your mind that you want to ask. You should refrain from asking certain things too early in the process however. Check out these two things you should steer clear of initially.
Religious Topics
The easiest way to scare an online date off is to mention religious beliefs that clash with theirs. For instance, maybe they are a Christian and you are a non-believer. When you mention this, they will likely run! So, to be on the safe side, you should not ask about religious preference until you get to know them better. Allow them to get to know you, aside from your beliefs, and then you can talk about your differences. Chances are, if they like you a lot, they will be willing to work it all out.
Political Topics
Another sticky topic to try to avoid during the ini
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